Big projects 🦜

It’s a bit old, but here some of my more serious writings. ✏️


Workshop in Chisasibi

The lively sounds of high-pitched fiddling, tinkling piano keys and twanging guitar strings filled the hallways of this Chisasibi high school.


Land-based treatment

Moose Cree Health Services is opening its first land-based withdrawal management facility for post-treatment support this winter.


Importance to traditional foods

The study examines the importance of traditional foods and the impact of environmental degradation towards First Nation access to food security.


Cree softball-strikeout

Despite millions invested in new facilities, at least four communities nixed their planned tournament because of insufficient registrations – while four others didn’t even try to organize an event.

Piqued your interest? Have a gander at the files.

“My thesis is about exploring why we play. Through an indigenous lens, what kind of excuse, trigger and space do adults need to be playful with one another?”

  • What insights can my Oji-Cree community in Manitoba share around playfulness?
  • What compels us to be playful with each other, and what’s the indigenous lens?
  • What are building-blocks of Oji-Cree playful behaviour?

Utilizing the two-eyed seeing method, my research formulates a process that builds upon game play theory, as well as knowings from First Nation community members with experience holding spaces for playful connection.

If you must know…